Be Authentic

The magic of documentary filmmaking arises from the balance between research, authenticity, and intuition—each contributing to a film's ability to deeply connect with audiences and show respect for the subjects while creating a powerful emotional connection.


America’s New Vote Suppression Hitmen

Two family dynasties, one Black, one White, on a 3-century collision course. Operatives of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp secretively challenged Major Gamaliel Turner’s right to a ballot, launching an investigative reporter’s hunt to uncover and expose an astonishing vote suppression scheme that threatens to overturn the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

“Rings with the kind of truth we must have more of in this country if we are to retain even the shambles of our democracy”.

- Channel Nonfiction/Gregory Crofton

“Powerful. A great, great film.” – Jamie Foxx

Directed and Edited by David B. Ambrose

Written by Greg Palast

Produced by Maria Florio

Executive Produced by George DiCaprio, Martin Sheen

Narrated by Rosario Dawson


The Osage Nation, Koch Oil and the New Killers of the Flower Moon

Where Killers of the Flower Moon ends, our story begins.

Killers tells the story of Osage who, in the 1920s, were murdered for their oil wealth. This is the Osage story of the 100 years since, a century of tragedies and triumphs, told in their own voices. The killings, the rip-offs— Principal Chief Standing Bear tells us, “It’s still happening.”

In Post-Production

